
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Announcing FOCUS Friday!

Coming this Friday on this blog! A new segment, FOCUS Friday, will begin!

FOCUS Friday will include motivational, inspirational, informational, and/or educational articles on an individual subject.

Authors and bloggers like yourself, are encouraged to submit articles which either are inspirational or educational in a subject which helps others. This can include articles on Health, Writing, Environment, Conservation, Arts, Sciences, Christianity, Education, Poetry, Inspiration, or just ask and I can tell you if I believe it would be appropriate.

What do you get?

- You get a copy of two FREE ebooks in PDF format written by Dominic Milner.

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget
even if your family is on the lowest of salaries.


How to Set Up the Perfect Family Budget

Of Course you also get:

- Full credit for the article
- Link(s) to your blog included in the post
- Your Blog or Website Included in My Blog Roll

What You Need to do:

1) Submit an article to my email address

- Please no attachments. Just copy and paste directly into the email.
- It is okay to email me or tweet me with any questions you may have.
- Articles can be a new article or an old article you have written.

2) Link back to at least one of my blogs from your blog.

3) Leave a comment on at least one of my blogs and/or Follow at least one of my blogs.

Rules and Regulations:

- All articles must meet the specifications above concerning content.
No Political Articles Please.

- Inappropriate material will not be considered for publication.
i.e. Pornography, Racism, Profanity, etc.

- All articles will be approved before publication. Though, even if your article is not published, all who fulfill the three requirements above will receive the two free ebooks.

- I reserve the right to publish all articles submitted even if any of the other requirements are not met by you. In this case, I will still link the article back to your blog or website.

- You acknowledge by submitting an article that it is an original article written by you and does not violate any copyright laws.

- I will include a statement in the article which gives you credit for the article, links back to your blog or website and was published or republished with your permission.

- In order to be included and remain on my Blog Roll, Content on your blog Must not be a blog where inappropriate material is published.
i.e. Pornography, Profanity, Racism, etc.


  1. Hey Oldman-- this is a nifty idea. I have to go dig up my inspirational tales...

  2. awesome idea, to bad all i blog is football lol! I look forward to reading others tho!!

  3. Christy, Thanks. Please do! I would love to publish one of your articles on my blog.

  4. CK, I appreciate that. I have an idea or two which you might consider writing for this segment. I will send you an email. I would love to have an article from a chick who digs football.

    For those of you who don't know CK, that is her tag-line, I do not want to offend any of you other chicks out there who don't like being called a chick. Oops, I did it again. LOL


Thank you for taking the time to leave your comments. I really do appreciate them and I always try visit your blog in return though sometimes it may take me a few days with my busy schedule. Thanks for your understanding.

Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

1 Chronicles 16:23