
Saturday, October 17, 2009

In Tough Times, He Protects Us

Have you ever felt helpless in the face of difficult circumstances? Have you faced big problems which despite your efforts you simply could not resolve? Thankfully, even when there is nowhere else to turn you can turn your thoughts and prayers to God and He will respond.

God’s hand uplifts us when we turn our hearts and prayers to Him. Consider yourself blessed for His grace and mercy are never ending. When you do, you can live courageously and joyfully, knowing that “this too will pass,” and God’s love will always be there for you. You can draw on the strength in this knowledge that you are His marvelous creation, loved, protected, and uplifted by the ever-present hand of God.

All we need to do is open up our hearts to God. St Augustine said, “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” Can you believe it? Do you have faith in these simple words? Do you seek to have an intimate, one on one relationship with your Heavenly Father, or do you keep Him at a safe distance?

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of our daily tasks, God may seem far away, but He isn’t. He carries us through the troublesome times in our lives. God is everywhere we have been, everywhere we will go in the future and He is with us now in the present. He is like a parent who stands besides us night and day when we are in the hospital. He knows our thoughts and our prayers. He is here, waiting patiently for us to reach out to Him. All we have to do is seek Him earnestly and we shall find Him.

He is waiting. Do you hear His call? Just reach out and hug your Lord with all of your heart. His love is here, always. Accept it now and be blessed.

Prayer for Today

Lord, sometimes my life is difficult. Sometimes, I am worried, weary, or heartbroken. Sometimes, I encounter powerful temptations to disobey Your word and Your commandments. But, when I lift my eyes and my heart to You, Father, You strengthen me. When I am weak, You lift me up. Today, I will turn to You for strength, for hope, for direction, and for deliverance. Thank You Father for always sending me Your love. Amen.

Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me. Micah 7:8

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful prayer. Thank you oldman.


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Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

1 Chronicles 16:23