
Monday, October 19, 2009

The Light Of Friendship

This bit of poetry makes me think of the truly important things in my life, my friends and family. I have been blessed by having good friends in my life which love me and accept me unconditionally for who I am. Thank you Lord for my friends and for my family.

The Light Of Friendship
Author Unknown

I've seen the light
And it's in you,
In everything you are
And in everything you do.

It's a perfect light
That shines for all to see.
It radiates from you
And has pierced the heart of me.

The light is from a friend.
It's a light that keeps me warm.
It lets me know how loved I am,
And keeps me safe from harm.

To you my friend I am thankful,
In each and every way.
For you lift my spirits up,
With every passing day.

To know that you are there for me,
It makes me feel alive.
Because it is your friendship's light,
Upon which my love thrives.

So thank you isn't good enough,
They are the only words I know.
It is your light of friendship,
That gives my world it's glow.

Thanks for sharing your light with me.
For it is the simple things in life that
Are truly unforgettable.

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Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

1 Chronicles 16:23