
Friday, January 15, 2010

An Island Perspective

Today on FOCUS Friday I would like to welcome Renee and Steve Ludwigs from Palm Canyon Wellness Group as my guest. I have enjoyed their writings on their blog, Journey to Palm Canyon, and their website for awhile now and always find the articles inspirational and interesting. They remind me to relax and enjoy God's paradise here on earth or as they put it "some tropical tranquility." Please take the time to visit and be sure to look at the many books and artwork they have available. I'm sure will enjoy An Island Perspective and find these sites inspirational as well. Here is just a sampling of the many inspirational thoughts you will find.

Ever notice that we sometimes have a tendency to make life harder than it is? We can't stop life from happening just like we can't stop the wind from blowing. My intention for the new year is to "keep it simple." Rudy, our Boston Terrier, is my role model.

If you love waves, palm trees & beaches, you can live with An Island Perspective anytime, anywhere! So it's cold outside. No need to fight it or complain about what is. While mother nature takes this time to hibernate and restore, we can still go to the island in our minds. Fix yourself a nice tall tropical drink (or a cup of hot tea!) Now close your eyes and imagine sitting on the soft golden sand of your favorite beach. Feel the nice warm sun soaking into your skin? Ahhhh! So refreshing!


  1. You know, your comment about making life harder than it is rings true. I think the world is much more complicated with technology and the many challenges of living in a fast-pace world. I'd love to read about the simple side of life to keep things in perspective, so I look forward to reading your post this year.

  2. Thanks Kim, I hope you find peace and joy throughout this year.


Thank you for taking the time to leave your comments. I really do appreciate them and I always try visit your blog in return though sometimes it may take me a few days with my busy schedule. Thanks for your understanding.

Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

1 Chronicles 16:23