
Friday, May 14, 2010

Fiction Friday: We all need a little help now and then

Hop on Over, I'll Be There for You

Bunny Hop
Bunny Go
Along the trail
Off to the show

He hears a sound
Stops on the trail
He hops some more
Into a pail

He is so fat
And round you see
He can't get out
Needs help from me

I gently push
the bucket over
He hops right out
Into the clover

He looks once more
As if to say
Thanks my friend
You made my day

I sit and think
He's fat like me
Glad for friends
To set him free

Friends give me hope
Support my goal
To lose the weight
And make me whole

Like my friends
You make me think
To eat healthy
Watch what I drink

Bunny hop
Bunny go
Thanks my friend
Enjoy the show

~ Brian Russell ~
©Copyright 2009 Oldman's Poetry Corner ~ All rights reserved

Fiction Friday is being hosted today by Cat over at A work in progress. Please take the time to visit her blog and the other links to Fiction Friday.


  1. Hi Brian! Bear enjoyed the poem much and was so glad the bunny was helped out of that bucket! A neat portrayal of friends walking together in the Lord, and a wonderful photo match. Nice blog also! :-)

  2. Love the little bunnies...just don't like them eating my flower beds....

  3. Love the rhyme and meter of this! I'm glad the bunny had help--this is a lovely inspiring piece of poetry! ^_^

  4. I enjoyed this--nice poem with a good message, too. I also like your pictures! God Bless!

  5. What a fun bunny poem! The meter even suggests bunny hops.


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Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

1 Chronicles 16:23