
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Word Filled Wednesday

Be still, and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10

This verse has been on my mind a lot lately because I have been trying to hear what the Lord is calling me to do. I have been trying to put aside all the clutter in my life (financial problems, work, relationships, etc.) and just listen to the Lord for His direction and His guidance having full faith in Him to lead me toward His purpose. I included a video this week with a challenge for all of us.

Since it’s inception, the purpose of Word-Filled Wednesday is to share God’s word through photo, or graphic image combined with a verse from the Bible.

Word-Filled Wednesday is now being hosted at Internet Cafe Devotions. Please take the time to to visit and link to others participating in today's Word-Filled Wednesday. God bless you, may your day be filled with peace and joy.


  1. Sometimes quieten ourselves enough to listen is a big job. For a while God had me meditating on in quietness and confidence is my strength. Not being a big talker anyway, He had to show me that there were still many voices being spoken. Your photo is beautiful and looks like the perfect spot to be still and quiet. And you have nice calming voice too. I pray that you'll be able to hear our Lord clearly as He directs your paths. Blessings to you.

  2. Amen. We must be still, and listen to His still small voice speaking to us.

  3. Mr. Oldman,
    Listening and stilling in the midst of all the "distractions" is sometimes hard, I imagine that's why Jesus himself got away to pray and listen...If it's good enough for Him, it's good enough for me...why then is it so darn hard to just still myself?? I'm working on it!!

    wonderful words!

  4. Perfect, and the evidence is that as soon as I clicked on your page I began to cry. Very anointed reminder for me today. Thank you for sharing my brother.

  5. Amen, that is beautiful! Happy WFW.

  6. A lovely picture and verse ~

  7. my favorite verse - it's written on my wall at home! lol

  8. Great verse and picture!

  9. Amen! a beautiful picture, I can imagine that by looking at the picture I hear the voice of God.

  10. that is a beautiful picture. It is not as easy as it seems to be still and listen for God.

  11. This was REALLY COOL. Thank you. Why is it hard to just be still and listen to Heavenly Father, when what He says is so good? He will be exalted in the earth, He will be exalted in the Heavens!

  12. I love that verse, but you are so right. It's very hard to do for all of us, including this busy member of the Sandwich Generation, caring for elderly parents and busy with granny nanny activities for grandparents and their grandchildren! :) But when I do STOP and wait on God, I am always blessed! Thank you for the words and picture of encouragement! :)

  13. Thanks Brian - beautiful picture, and a good challenge, too. I try to be still before God every day for at least a few minutes. But yes, it's hard - sometimes impossible - for my mind to be still and listen.

    And thanks for the hymn and slideshow - magnificent. Yes, how great He is indeed!

  14. This is a beautiful post in every way. Be still.
    Thats what we all need to do. Also, Be quiet. Listen. Listen to what the Lord is telling us.
    May His peace be with you.

  15. Very beautiful pic to illustrate this wonderful verse ! Amen ! We need to be still & focus on Him & then every thing else will fall into place .

  16. Brian - this was a very inspiring post. I love the video. God has been speaking to me the past several months about being still before Him. Far too often, I don't take time to listen for His voice.

    Thanks for reminding me that I need to be still before Him more often.



Thank you for taking the time to leave your comments. I really do appreciate them and I always try visit your blog in return though sometimes it may take me a few days with my busy schedule. Thanks for your understanding.

Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

1 Chronicles 16:23